Bah Humbug! Lost Functionality in Exchange 2013

So.  A while back I emailed a tip to everyone about how we noticed that the ‘Sent-Items’ folders of shared mailboxes never had anything in them.  In other words, when you have permission to a shared-mailbox and you responded to a message in the shared-mailbox as the shared-mailbox the message you sent would end up in your ‘Sent-Items’ folder and not the ‘Sent-Items’ folder of the shared mailbox.  The tip was a way to fix this and have that sent message go where you want it to.

Well… that tip doesn’t work anymore in Exchange 2013.  Microsoft took those cmdlets away.  Apparently the setting continues to work if it was set prior to the mailbox being migrated to Exchange 2013.  Additionally, the workstation registry hack for Outlook continues to work but is an inelegant way of doing things.

We are currently at Exchange 2013 CU7.  Apparently in Exchange 2013 CU9 the default behavior of a shared mailbox will be that when a message is sent from a shared mailbox, the sent message will be stored in the sent folder in the shared mailbox.  Microsoft will also introduce new argument to set-mailbox to change this behavior:

Set-mailbox –MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled [$True/$False]
Set-mailbox –MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled [$True/$False]

So.  We lost functionality and won’t get it back until CU9 is applied.