Dropbox for Staff!


UF has extended its license for Dropbox for Education to staff. At this time all UF faculty and staff are capable of using UF’s Dropbox for Education license for storing and sharing files in the Cloud. Each UF user has a 1TB quota within Dropbox. More information can be found at:


The process for signing up under the UF license is relatively simple:

  1. Goto the URL above to check your eligibility.
  2. If you are eligible you will be directed to start some training about the license (Click here to start link).
  3. Read the training and take/pass the three question quiz.
  4. Click the link provided after passing the quiz to get an email invitation to UF Dropbox for Education.
  5. Complete the sign-up by going to the link provided in the email invitation. This will open a web browser window to www.dropbox.com signup screen using your [gatorlink]@ufl.edu email address for the account (you cannot change the account, email, or name information on this screen). You will also need to agree to dropbox terms.  After that is done you can click the Create Account button.

Other items to note about the UF Dropbox for Education license:

  • Dropbox considers @[domain].ufl.edu accounts that were already created as personal accounts. Dropbox will not attempt or offer to merge / migrate it to the UFL / business account.
  • Dropbox will not let you create any new personal accounts using any emails that end in ufl.edu (this includes your [gatorlink]@ufl.edu address or any departmental / third-level domains such as @eng.ufl.edu). Dropbox doesn’t, however, prevent you from logging into one of these accounts that was previously created.
  • I have not yet seen what happens if you already have a [gatorlink]@ufl.edu based Dropbox personal account and then signup using the GatorCloud link for an account using the UFL license.  Apparently you get an interface that recognizes the Dropbox account you already have using your [gatorlink]@ufl.edu address and are asked if you want to migrate that to the UFL license or if you want to reassociate that Dropbox Personal account with a different, personal, email address.
  • You can associate your personal Dropbox and your business/UFL Dropbox accounts into the same login (so you can have access to both when you login). When you try to access one when logged in with the other you are asked to login.
  • There doesn’t seem to be an easy mechanism to move files from the personal account to the UFL account.  At this time it looks like you’ll have to download everything from one Dropbox and upload it to the other.